In the late 1970s I began throwing closed forms (spheres, cylinders, etc.) and long deformed tubes which I then assembled in various sculptural forms, reminding me of alien creatures. A high-manganese glaze gave a metallic look. Some of the necks leaned a little in the firing so I made wooden wedge bases to help them stand straight.

They were included in one of the Stony Plain exhibitions as well as much later, at Art and Soul Gallery in High River, in 2001, after we’d moved there. In that exhibition the sentinels were exhibited with the oil painting galaxy II by my wife Sherran Bodard.

the four sentinels with ‘galaxy II’, oil on canvas by Sherran Bodard
(❋ – all four sentinels are still in my collection)

vegan scout, right, 1979, stoneware, 66 cm h, metallic glaze ∆5, wood base.

vegan scout, 1979, stoneware, 66 cm h, metallic glaze ∆5, wood base.

 venusian bloom, 1979, stoneware, 97 cm h, metallic glaze ∆5, wire, wood base.

 venusian bloom, 1979, stoneware, 97 cm h, metallic glaze ∆5, wire, wood base.

pompadour of pleides, 1979, stoneware, 74 cm h, metallic glaze ∆5, wood base.

pompadour of pleides, 1979, stoneware, 74 cm h, metallic glaze ∆5, wood base.

corona borealis,1979, stoneware, 74 cm h, metallic glaze ∆5, wood base.

corona borealis, 1979, stoneware, 71 cm h, metallic glaze ∆5, wood base.

corona borealis,1979, stoneware, 74 cm h, metallic glaze ∆5, wood base.